Informal Contractions & Relaxed Pronunciation (PDF)
English language speakers often use words with relaxed pronunciation and informal contractions. Informal contractions (relaxed pronunciation) are very common in American English. This short form is often used in speaking and in informal writing.
Informal contractions are often used in daily English conversations. Using these words is a good way to make yourself sound more like a good English speaker and understand daily English conversations. Informal contractions are commonly used in spoken language and informal writing.
However, it’s best to avoid using them in formal writing and academic papers.

Here is a table of common informal contractions in English with examples:
Contraction | Expansion | Example |
can’t | can not | I can’t find my keys. |
don’t | do not | Don’t touch that! |
won’t | will not | He won’t be able to come to the meeting. |
ain’t | am not | Ain’t nobody got time for that. |
isn’t | is not | It isn’t fair. |
shouldn’t | should not | You shouldn’t eat that if you’re allergic. |
you’re | you are | You’re so kind. |
they’re | they are | They’re going to the store later. |
I’m | I am | I’m feeling really tired today. |
let’s | let us | Let’s go to the park after lunch. |
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Contraction | Expansion | Example |
coulda | could have | I coulda finished the project earlier. |
dunno | don’t know | I dunno what time the movie starts. |
gimme | give me | Can you gimme a hand with this? |
gonna | going to | I’m gonna go to the store later. |
gotta | got to | I gotta go to the dentist tomorrow. |
kinda | kind of | This pizza is kinda spicy. |
oughta | ought to | We oughta start the meeting soon. |
shoulda | should have | I shoulda called you yesterday. |
sorta | sort of | It’s sorta cloudy outside. |
wanna | want to | I wanna go to the beach this weekend. |
woulda | would have | I woulda come to your party, but I was busy. |
Informal Contractions | Relaxed Pronunciation | Full Form | Example |
gonna | g’na / ˈɡʌ.nə | going to | “I’m gonna eat lunch.” |
wanna | w’na / ˈwʌ.nə | want to | “I wanna go with you.” |
gotta | g’ta / ˈɡɒ.tə | got to / have got to | “I gotta leave soon.” |
gotta (2) | g’ta / ˈɡɒ.tə | got a | “I gotta new car.” |
kinda | k’nda / ˈkaɪnd.ə | kind of | “He’s kinda tired.” |
sorta | s’ra / ˈsɔːrt.ə | sort of | “It’s sorta strange.” |
lemme | l’me / ˈlem.i | let me | “Lemme try it.” |
lemme (2) | l’me / ˈlem.i | leave me | “Lemme alone.” |
dunno | d’no / ˈdʌ.no | don’t know | “I dunno the answer.” |
gimme | g’me / ˈɡɪm.i | give me | “Gimme a minute.” |
gotta (3) | g’ta / ˈɡɒ.tə | have got a | “I gotta problem.” |
shoulda | sh’lda / ˈʃʊd.ə | should have | “He shoulda known.” |
coulda | c’lda / ˈkʊd.ə | could have | “She coulda helped.” |
woulda | w’lda / ˈwʊd.ə | would have | “I woulda gone.” |
Informal contractions PDF
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