Home / Prepositions / Prepositions List: IN, ON, BY, AT, WITH, FOR, ABOUT, OF (PDF)

Prepositions List: IN, ON, BY, AT, WITH, FOR, ABOUT, OF (PDF)

Prepositions are small words that show the relationship between words in a sentence. The prepositions in, on, by, at, with, for, about, and of are often used in different phrases. Learning these phrases will help you sound more natural in English.

Below is a useful list of common phrases with these prepositions.

Phrases with ‘IN’

in timeearly enough
in demandpopular or needed
in focusclear, not blurry
in an uproarin chaos or confusion
in answer toas a response
in dangerat risk
in debtowing money
in declinebecoming less
in disguisehidden identity
in flameson fire
in high spiritsvery happy
in progresshappening now
in troublehaving problems
in lovehaving strong romantic feelings
in chargeresponsible for something

Phrases with ‘ON’

on timenot late
on demandavailable anytime
on the recordofficially said
on the roadtraveling
on balanceafter thinking carefully
on a triptraveling
on showdisplayed for people
on strikerefusing to work
on suspicion ofsuspected of something
on boardinside a vehicle/ship
on bailreleased from jail with conditions
on fireburning
on edgenervous or anxious
on purposeintentionally
on vacationtaking a break from work

Phrases with ‘BY’

by chanceaccidentally
by luckfortunately
by accidentnot planned
by airtraveling by plane
by seatraveling by boat
by landtraveling on land
by lawlegally required
by mistakenot on purpose
by forceusing power or strength
by heartmemorized completely
by naturenaturally
by exampleas a model
by surpriseunexpectedly
by phoneusing a phone
by emailusing email

Phrases with ‘AT’

at high speedvery fast
at a glancequickly looking
at a lossconfused or not knowing
at a pricecosting money
at a standstillnot moving
at all costsno matter what
at issuebeing discussed
at nightduring the night
at noonat 12:00 PM
at peacefeeling calm
at one’s requestbecause someone asked
at riskin danger
at homein one’s house
at workat the workplace
at easefeeling relaxed

Phrases with ‘WITH’

with easewithout difficulty
with carecarefully
with interestshowing curiosity
with regretfeeling sorry
with a view towith the aim of
with confidencewithout doubt
with patiencecalmly waiting
with respectshowing admiration

Phrases with ‘FOR’

for a reasonwith a purpose
for goodforever
for grantedassuming something will always be there
for saleavailable to buy
for suredefinitely
for the time beingtemporarily
for funfor enjoyment
for a changeto do something different

Phrases with ‘ABOUT’

about timefinally happening
about togoing to do something soon
about averagenormal or usual
about businessrelated to work
about lifeconcerning life matters
about a personreferring to someone
about the futureconsidering what is next

Phrases with ‘OF’

of coursenaturally
of importancesignificant
of valuevaluable
of great concernvery worrying
of no useuseless
of necessityrequired
of interestworth attention
of helpuseful

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