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Infinitive Verbs List & Examples

In English grammar, the infinitive is the base form of a verb. It is typically preceded by the word “to” and is used to express various functions.

1. The purpose of an action: He went to the store to buy some groceries.
2. A future action: You need to go to the dentist tomorrow.
3. A general or timeless action: To live a happy life is everyone’s goal.
4. A condition: If you want to pass the exam, you need to study.
5. A command or instruction: To be or not to be, that is the question.

The infinitive can also act as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence, and can be modified by adverbs and adverbial phrases. It is also important that some verbs are followed by an infinitive to form multi-word verbs.

For example: “to be going to” (for future plans), “to have to” (for obligation), or “to be able to” (for ability).

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Infinitive Verbs List With Examples

Infinitive VerbExample
to beI am a student.
to haveShe has a car.
to doWhat are you doing today?
to goLet’s go to the park.
to takeCan you take me to the airport?
to makeShe made a cake for her friend’s birthday.
to sayHe said he was sorry.
to seeI want to see the new movie.
to getI need to get some groceries.
to giveShe gave him a hug.
to findHe found a wallet on the street.
to playHe loves to play the guitar.
to workShe needs to work extra hours this week.
to eatI’m hungry, let’s go eat.
to drinkHe offered to drink with her.
to readI like to read before bed.
to writeShe wants to write a book.
to listenCan you listen to me for a minute?
to speakShe speaks three languages fluently.
to watchI want to watch the sunset.
to driveHe loves to drive his sports car.
to flyShe’s afraid of flying.

  Commonly Used English Verbs PDF – download

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