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Understanding the Difference Between Who and Whom


Understanding the difference between who and whom can be challenging for many English language learners. This guide will help you master their usage with simple explanations and practical examples.

Quick Tip to Remember the Difference Between Who and Whom: Use who when you can replace it with he or she (subject pronoun). Use whom when you can replace it with him or her (object pronoun). Remember: who = he/she, whom = him/her.

What is the Difference Between Who and Whom?

The key to understanding who and whom lies in distinguishing between subjects and objects in a sentence.

Subject: The one performing the action. (Use who)

Object: The one receiving the action. (Use whom)

Subject and Object Pronouns

When to Use Who

Who is a subject pronoun like I, you, he, she, and they.


      1. Who won the race?
        • Correct: He won the race.
        • Incorrect: Him won the race.
      2. Who made this?
        • Correct: She made it.
        • Incorrect: Her made it.


Use who to ask which person does an action or which person is a certain way.

When to Use Whom

Whom is an object pronoun like me, you, him, her, and them.


      1. Whom do you believe?
        • Correct: I believe in him.
        • Incorrect: I believe in he.
      1. For whom does the bell toll?
        • Correct: For them.
        • Incorrect: For they.


Use whom to ask which person receives an action.

Quick Tricks to Remember

Trick #1: The He/Him Test

      • Replace who or whom with he or him. If he fits, use who. If him fits, use whom.
        • Example: Who/Whom do you love?
          • Do you love him? → Whom do you love?

Trick #2: Find the Verbs and Subjects

      1. Identify all the verbs in the sentence.
      2. Find the subject for each verb.
      3. If who/whom is a subject (doing the action), use who.
      4. If who/whom is an object (receiving the action), use whom.


      • Who made those beautiful hats and to whom will she give them?
        • Verbs: made, give
        • Subjects: who, she
        • Who is the subject (doing the action) → Who made those hats?
        • Whom is the object (receiving the action) → To whom will she give them?

Practical Examples

Example 1:

      • Who/Whom wrote the letter?
        • He wrote the letter. → Who wrote the letter?

Example 2:

      • Who/Whom is going to make the presentation?
        • She is going to make the presentation. → Who is going to make the presentation?

Example 3:

      • Who/Whom should I vote for?
        • I should vote for her. → Whom should I vote for?

Example 4:

      • The award for “Best Essay” will go to who/whom?
        • The award will go to her. → The award will go to whom?

Exercises: Who or Whom?

      1. (Who/Whom) did you invite to the party?
      2. (Who/Whom) is going to lead the meeting tomorrow?
      3. To (who/whom) should I address the letter?
      4. (Who/Whom) was the person you saw at the event?
      5. (Who/Whom) do you think will win the competition?
      6. The award will be given to (who/whom) performs the best.
      7. (Who/Whom) should I ask for more information?
      8. The teacher, (who/whom) everyone respects, is retiring next year.
      9. (Who/Whom) do you think you are talking to?
      10. The book was written by an author (who/whom) I greatly admire.

Answers: 1. whom / 2. who / 3. whom / 4. who / 5. who / 6. who / 7. whom / 8. whom / 9. who / 10. whom

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